Visitor Ticket Purchase

{{exhibition_date}} {{exhibition_name}}

1. Order your tickets online.
2. An email with your ticket code will be sent to your address.
3. Use the printed ticket or download it to your mobile device to access the event grounds.

{{ errors.ticketNewPrice }}
  • Price is per person and inclusive of VAT.
  • Tickets include full access to exhibition and conference.
(For purchases of more than 10 tickets, please contact us for pricing.)
{{ errors.ticket }}
{{ errors.selectedPayType }}

YOUR TOTAL ORDER AMOUNT:  {{totalOrderAmountEuro}}

Upon successful submission, we will send you an order confirmation along with payment instructions for your fee.
Tickets are exluded from exchange and refund. Unless the event is canceled by DEMACH Event- und Veranstaltungs GmbH. In this case, the visitor will automatically be reimbursed the purchase price. You can view our terms and conditions for the online ticket shop → HERE. / (in German) Tickets sind vom Umtausch und von der Rückerstattung ausgeschlossen. Es sei denn, die Veranstaltung wird von der DEMACH Event- und Veranstaltungs GmbH abgesagt. In dem Fall erhält der Besucher den Kaufpreis automatisch erstattet. Unsere Geschäftsbedingungen für den Online-Ticketshop können Sie → HIER einsehen.
{{ errors.contactTitle }}
{{ errors.contactName }}
Please ensure that you provide a valid email address, this is the primary method we communicate with you.
{{ errors.primaryEmail }}
Add a secondary email address as a backup in case your primary email is unreachable.
{{ errors.secondaryEmail }}
{{ }}
{{ errors.billingAddress }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ errors.conditions }}

Thank you!

A copy of your submission will be sent to the address you provided.
You should receive our response within 24 business hours. If you do not, please check your SPAM FOLDER.

(in German) Eine Kopie Ihrer Anmeldung haben wir Ihnen als Bestätigung an die von Ihnen angegebene E-Mail-Adresse gesendet.
Wir antworten werktags innerhalb von 24h. Wenn Sie keine Antwort von uns erhalten haben, sehen Sie bitte in Ihrem SPAM-ORDER nach.

Your DEMACH Events Team

© {{ currentYear }} DEMACH Event- und Veranstaltungs GmbH. Berlin, Germany.