Exhibit Booth Application

{{exhibition_date}} {{exhibition_name}}

To complete the application, you will need to upload the following:

  • An image that represents your product/brand.
  • Up to five keywords that best describe your display or exhibit.
  • A PDF file for catalogue entry. Find out more about the digital catalogue entries. → See Here

Please select your booth type


Shell Scheme Booth

All prices exclude VAT.

{{ booth.description }}
{{ errors.customSize0 }}

Custom-Built Booth

All prices exclude VAT.

{{ booth.description }}
{{ errors.customSize }}

Exhibit Booth Application

{{exhibition_date}} {{exhibition_name}}

Shell Scheme Booth

Custom-Built Booth

{{ selectedBoothDescription }}

  • By adding the Cancel for Any Reason Guarantee, the full amount of your booth space fee will be refunded if you need to cancel your participation, regardless of the reason.
  • Cancellation can be made up to 14 days before the event starts. Terms of Use → See Here

YOUR TOTAL ORDER AMOUNT:  {{totalOrderAmountEuro}}

The price excluding VAT.

  • This image (e.g., your brand logo or a product/service image) will be displayed on the exhibitor index page. The maximum file size must not exceed 2 MB.
  • You can upload the file here, or send the file by email at a later time.
  • You can change the file after submission until the event starts.
  • You can upload the file here or send it by email at a later time. The file can be updated after submission until the event starts
  • IMPORTANT: If an exhibitor is also a speaker, the PDF page for the catalogue entry must be different from the one on their speaker profile. Otherwise, in the case of duplicate content, only one page will be published.
The Keywords are used as tab headers in the catalogue search, exhibitor index, etc.

{{ errors.keywords }}
{{ errors.contactTitle }}
{{ errors.contactName }}
Please make sure that you provide a valid email address, this is the default method we communicate with you.
{{ errors.contactEmail }}
Add a secondary email address as a backup in case your primary email address is unreachable.
{{ errors.secondaryEmail }}
{{ errors.contactCompany }}
{{ errors.contactBillingAddress }}
{{ errors.contactCountry }}
{{ errors.contactWebsite }}
{{ errors.termsAccepted }}

Thank you!

A copy of your submission will be emailed to the address you provided.
You should receive our response within 24 business hours. If you do not, please check your SPAM FOLDER.

(in German) Eine Kopie Ihrer Anmeldung haben wir Ihnen als Bestätigung an die von Ihnen angegebene E-Mail-Adresse gesendet.
Wir antworten werktags innerhalb von 24h. Wenn Sie keine Antwort von uns erhalten haben, sehen Sie bitte in Ihrem SPAM-ORDER nach.

Your DEMACH Events Team

Co-Exhibitor Application

We would like to register a co-exhibitor

In accordance with the Conditions of Participation of {{projectName}} Berlin, we hereby register the following co-exhibitor, who will appear at the booth of the main exhibitor.

Application for Co-Exhibitors

{{exhibition_date}} {{exhibition_name}}

Admission fee for per approved co-exhibitor: {{formatEuro(this.coboothPrice)}} excl. of VAT.
The main exhibitor will always be liable for the payment of the co-exhibitor’s fee. This fee includes two exhibitor passes and the entry in the catalogue.

  • This image (e.g., your brand logo, product/service image) will be displayed on the exhibitor index page. The maximum image size may not exceed 2 MB.
  • You can upload the file here, or send the file by a separate email at a later time.
  • You can change the file after submission until the event starts.
  • You can upload the file here, or send the file by a separate email at a later time.
  • You can change the file after submission until the event starts.
  • IMPORTANT: If an exhibitor is also a speaker, the PDF page for the catalogue entry will need to be different from the one on their speaker profile. Otherwise for duplicate content there will be only one page published.
The Keywords are used as tab header at catalogue search, exhibitor index, etc.

{{ errors.co_keywords }}
{{ errors.co_contactTitle }}
{{ errors.co_contactName }}
Please make sure that you provide a valid email address, this is the default method we communicate with you.
{{ errors.co_contactEmail }}
Add a secondary email address as a backup in case your primary email address is unreachable.
{{ errors.co_secondaryEmail }}
{{ errors.co_exhibitorName }}
{{ errors.co_contactCountry }}
{{ errors.co_contactWebsite }}

{{ errors.co_mainExhibitorName }}
{{ errors.co_contactBillingAddress }}
{{ errors.co_contactCountry2 }}
{{ errors.co_termsAccepted }}
© {{ currentYear }} DEMACH Event- und Veranstaltungs GmbH. Berlin, Germany.